Delicious Keerethani
Keerethani is a Tamil word that means herb water. The Tamil word for herbs is, Keere, and Thani, means water. Keerethani is a stew made with herbs as the main ingredient. It is a well known dish in my husband's family.
My mother-in-law chose to use lettuce instead of the regular herbs. It was a dish that my husband really enjoyed. We have attempted to re-create that stew.
The water that is used for Keerethani is the same water in which the rice is cooked. Rice is an accompaniment to Keerethani. So cook the rice and when it is done, strain the rice over a dish so that the water is saved.
I followed the ingredients given to me by my husband. My earlier attempts were not great but my most recent attempt received a good review.
So here is the recipe.
All the ingredients are in pot. Will be done after it comes to the boil
lettuce just added to pot
The first step of braising the cumin and fennel seeds, tomato, onion & ginger
Fresh Lettuce, washed and ready to be used in the stew
Rice Water, saved from Straining the pot of cooked rice
The ingredients are nutritious and the combination of rice makes this a very satisfying meal. You may choose to make this dish with spinach, water cress or other leafy greens that your prefer. This dish has no dairy products and is vegan
If you have any questions, comments, or would like to celebrate your mother as well, submit a recipe of your own via email to me, Nirmala, at:
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